Should you no longer need funding, you may be eligible to return the remaining balance at a discounted rate, dependent on the condition of your account and repayments performance.
Working Capital Up To £200K
We work alongside all of our clients to ensure funding is deployed fast and when it is needed, helping to supporting long-term operational health and sustainable business growth.
No Personal Liability
You are not required to provide a personal guarantees to qualify for a business funding advance, so there is no need to risk your personal property when you are looking to grow your business.
Apply With Any Credit Score
We determine your eligibility for funding based on intelligent models developed by Got Capital; your credit score alone should never be a barrier to receiving the money that your business needs.
You can apply for small business funding by taking advantage of the royalty-based investments Got Capital injects into thousands of SMEs like yours, each year, across the UK.
If you need to access cash quickly, make sure to work with a reputable and reliable funding provider like Got Capital – please feel free to check out our client reviews on Trustpilot and Google.
The funding process is simple – after you drop us your details in the application form, one of our investment advisors will reach out to request a couple of additional documents, so that they can evaluate your funding request on the same day.
Most businesses receive an offer for funding within hours. Typically, after the agreement has been confirmed, those much needed finances will land in your account later that very day. No hidden fees or compounded interest; we work with our clients in a clear, upfront and sustainable way.